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A Commercial Investment Property Package is:
• A written summary of the pertinent facts about a property.
• A statement about the professionalism, credibility and expertise of you and your company.
• A reflection of the quality of real estate being offered.
A Commercial Investment Property Package is not:
• A place for brokers/agents to show how much they know about real estate.
• A mass mailing piece
• Intended to be a novel
Benefits of a “good” Property Package:
• Increases the professionalism of you and your firm.
• Increases your knowledge about the property.
• Boosts your confidence level.
• Enhances your competitive edge, thereby increasing the opportunities of your property being sold.
A suggested format is detailed on the following pages. Keep in mind; it is best to have a digital brochure
available as it is the acceptable practice today. Sending via e-mail will save you time, money and allow you to
reach more potential investors quickly.