What: A challenge to help you build up your database. 

Why: Your database is a proven way to earn more business and a higher income on an annual basis. Each household in your database correlates to roughly $2,000 in income. This challenge will allow you to add 10 contacts to your database every day for 10 days. Getting you to 100 contacts at the end of the challenge, which is $200,000 in income!

How: Follow the prompts and tasks below. They are laid out for you to follow each day! 

Day 1

The Task: Connect with 10 people you haven’t talked to in a while… by phone {yes, you actually have to talk to people}. Then, write and mail a personal card to each contact!


The Goal: Have genuine, human interactions! Don’t try to sell, just try to connect. Make sure to get their full address, phone and email to stay connected in the future!


The Script“Hi _______. It’s __________ {if needed- With BHHS}! I feel like it’s been ages and wanted to catch up and see how….(pick one question from each column!)


How are the kids enjoying school?

How’s your mom/ dad/spouse/grandkids?

Little Billy still playing baseball?

How is your work going?

Where are you working these days?

How's the ________ (tech, medical) world treating you?

Do anything exciting this past holiday season? 

How was your labor day? 

What do you (and your family) do for fun? 

What's your plan when you retire? 

Any plans for a wedding? More kids? 

Have you ever thought about doing... ? 

The Follow-UpEnter all 10 people into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year!

Day 2
The Task: Connect with 5 professionals outside of the industry (attorney’s, bankers, Financial Planners, etc) and 5 trusted vendors. Then, write and mail a personal card to each contact!


The Goal: Have genuine, human interactions! Don’t try to sell, just try to make new connections. Get their full address, phone and email to stay connected in the future!


The Script: “Hi _______. It’s __________ I’m a Real Estate Advisor with BHHS! I get questions about other professionals all the time and like to connect with people outside of my industry so I have resources for my co-workers and clients! Tell me a little about what you do and how you got started…. {Then F.O.R.D. to get to know them better!)


Do you have any children?

What's the most rewarding thing about what you do?

What do you like to do around here for fun?

Have you ever thought about doing... ?
The Follow-UpEnter all 10 people into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year!
Day 3
The Task: Wish 10 people Happy Birthday on Facebook Messenger! Can be their birthday today, belated birthday or upcoming birthday!


The Goal: Start a conversation! Don’t try to sell them! Get their full address, phone and email to stay connected in the future!


The Script: “Happy birthday ______! Hope your day has been [was or will be] great! Have any plans for your big day?? {Keep the conversation going after that}


Do you have any children?


What's the most rewarding thing about what you do?

What do you like to do around here for fun?

Have you ever thought about doing... ?

The Follow-Up: Enter all 10 people into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year!

Day 4
The Task: As a CEO, networking is critical to your legendary success! Test your skills by putting 10 business cards in your pocket {or purse} and hit the streets! 


The Goal: Pass out all 10 cards to new contacts you make today! Don’t try to sell them! Get a piece of contact information to stay connected in the future!


The Script: F.O.R.D it all the way! {Keep the conversation flowing!}


Do you have any children?


What's the most rewarding thing about what you do?

What do you like to do around here for fun?

Have you ever thought about doing... ?
The Follow-Up: Friend them on Facebook if limited info or enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year!
Day 5
The Task:Reconnect with 10 people you worked with in the past (either in Real Estate or past career) to help them and show off your skills! 


The Goal: Set up a time to get together face-to-face to do a Real Estate Review for them! Get any contact information you’re missing!


The Script: Hey _______, it’s _________! How is the year going for you so far?! Once a year, I like to reach out and give a quick update on your real estate holdings! I’ve prepared a report and some information that I’d like to review with you. Does Wednesday at noon or Thursday at 4pm work best for you? (give them 2 specific options) 

Then, set the appointment and keep the conversation flowing! (if they won’t meet, mail the report vs email)!


How are the kids enjoying school?

How’s your mom/ dad/spouse/grandkids?

Little Billy still playing baseball?


How is your work going?

Where are you working these days?

How’s the ________ (tech, medical) world treating you?


Do anything exciting this past holiday season? 

How was your labor day? 

What do you (and your family) do for fun?


What’s your plan when you retire? 

Any plans for a wedding? More kids? 

Have you ever thought about doing... ?

The Follow-Up: Enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year then Prep a Real Estate Review to drop off. 
Day 6
The Task:Gratitude is the foundation for any rewarding business! Today, give THANKS to 10 people on Facebook or by phone who have done something for you, no matter how big or small! 


The Goal: Give thanks for the people and opportunities in your life! Make connections by lifting someone else up! Get any extra contact information you’re missing! 


The ScriptYou can’t script genuine! So, say what you mean and mean what you say!


The Follow-Up: If not already in your database, enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year!

Day 7
The Task:Connect with 10 people who don’t know you do Real Estate!  


The Goal: Support a local charity AND tell your peers what you do, without telling them what you do! Get any extra contact information you’re missing! 


The Script: Hi ______. It’s ________! You may not know this, but I’m a Real Estate Advisor with BHHS and we are big supporters of the Sunshine Kids and have an annual charity clay shoot tournament to raise funds for these children with cancer. I was curious, would you be willing to partake in the event on [INSERT DATE] at Tampa Bay Sporting Clays or willing to donate?” {Keep the conversation flowing with FORD questions if you can!}


Do you have any children?


What's the most rewarding thing about what you do?

What do you like to do around here for fun?

Have you ever thought about doing... ?
The Follow-Up: Enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year.


If you can get these results from a couple calls, image the results you could get from a Call Night! You’ve now positioned yourself as a Strong Business Owner who values relationships and giving back! {Hats off to you}

Day 8

The Task: Pop in to 10 businesses you either give your business to or that you drive by every day and ask them to support your business! Bonus: if any of the businesses match a category in The Cabbies, you can let them know you’ll be nominating them. See the categories here: https://www.bhhsfloridaproperties.com/blog/the-cabbies/?utm_source=bitly&utm_medium=agent&utm_campaign=cabbies


The Goal: Make 10 new contacts and add them to your database! Get any contact information you’re missing! 


The Script: Hi ______. It’s ________! You may not know this, but I’m a Real Estate Advisor with BHHS and I wanted to stop in and introduce myself! Tell me a little about your business! {Then, make build a relationship using F.O.R.D}


Do you have any children?

What's the most rewarding thing about what you do?

What do you like to do around here for fun?

Have you ever thought about doing... ?

*If they qualify for a The Cabbies category, you can end the convo with… “Our company is also seeking nominations for our bi-annual The Cabbies award and I’ll be submitting your business for ______________ category! The Cabbies is a way for us to recognize the amazing people and businesses in our community. Nominations are throughout the month of [MONTH] and voting will be in [MONTH]!”


The Follow-Up: Enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year.

*Go the extra mile: highlight your contact’s business in general on your Facebook/social media channel with a video or static post.

Day 9

The Task: Print 10 Open House Flyers for your upcoming Open House and go meet the neighbors! Invite them for a private tour or offer to come back to give them the value of their house!
[Don’t have an Open House? Choose 10 homes in your farming neighborhood, create and print a BMA (Buyer’s Market Analysis) on each home to bring something of value with you!]


The Goal: Connect with the neighbors of your Open House and provide something of value! Get a piece of contact information to stay connected in the future!


The Script: "Hi ______. I’m ________ with BHHS! I’m hosting an Open House at your neighbor’s house this weekend and wanted to meet the neighbors! How long have you lived in this community?” 

Or if not an open house, “Hi  ______. I’m ________ with BHHS! I wanted to drop off this packet of information on your home, which includes home values, a buyer heat map and other metrics any homeowner may like to know. How long have you lived in this community?” {Then, use F.O.R.D. to get to know them}.


Do you have any children?

What's the most rewarding thing about what you do?

What do you like to do around here for fun?

Have you ever thought about doing... ?
The Follow-Up: Enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year.
Day 10

The Task: Pick 10 people you’re friends with on Facebook you’d like to drop off a seasonal pop-by. You’ll need to get their contact info including their address to be able to deliver the pop-by. (If you don’t want to go with a theme, we have pop-by tags in MADI under the prospecting section.) 


The Goal: Let your friends know you were thinking of them by dropping in to provide them with a small gift that reminds them your business is based on referrals. Get any contact information you’re missing!

The Script: “Hi ________! You were on my mind this week. How are you doing? I’d like to drop a little something off at your home. Do you mind sharing your mailing address with me?” {Then, make build a relationship using F.O.R.D}


How are the kids enjoying school?

How’s your mom/ dad/spouse/grandkids?

Little Billy still playing baseball?


How is your work going?

Where are you working these days?

How’s the ________ (tech, medical) world treating you?


Do anything exciting this past holiday season? 

How was your labor day? 

What do you (and your family) do for fun?


What’s your plan when you retire? 

Any plans for a wedding? More kids? 

Have you ever thought about doing... ?

The Follow-Up: Enter them into Cab Corner and set them up on Ninja Flow drip campaign to stay connected automatically throughout the year.