Your testimonials and/or star ratings are displayed automatically in a few locations:
- The agent roster on our company webpage
- Your agent bio page on our company webpage
- The About Me page on your company provided agent website
However, you may occasionally want to display your testimonials in another location - perhaps a custom page you've created on your company provided agent website, or a page on a website which you've created outside of our systems. In that case, you can create a custom widget to display the testimonials of your choice!
1. From the Dashboard, select the “Widgets" then "Add Widget"
2. This will launch the widget wizard. First, select which type of widget you'd like. Make a decision based on the functionality of the widget. You can edit each widget type after you've created it. You'll have the ability to edit colors, how many testimonials display, auto scroll...etc.
3. Select which testimonials you'd like to display on the widget. Select "Add" to include testimonials on your widget. Those you select will then display the "Remove" action button. Make any adjustments to this page, then select "Continue."
4. Name your new widget. Then press "Finish" when you are done!
5. Once created, you'll need to implement the code on your website. If you manage your website, select "Add Widget Myself" to copy the code then paste it into your website. Otherwise, you may need to email your webmaster. Select "Get Help from my Webmaster" in order to email your webmaster the code.
Add Widget Myself:
Get Help from my Webmaster:
6. Navigate to "Widgets" then "Manage Widgets" to see your new widget listed.
7. Learn how to edit the basic or advanced setting of the widget.