There will be times when you need to complete a transaction on dotloop with another agent who does not use dotloop. Let's go over the best ways to complete this successfully.
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Setting up your loop
To start the process, we will first want to make sure to set up our loop. This includes naming the loop, adding the people we will be working with, and adding our documents to be set up. Let's walk through the steps.
First, after we have created and named our loop we will want to make sure to select the loop type (in this instance, the loop is a listing for sale). After selecting this, we will want to select the appropriate loop status. For the time being, I have opted to keep this loop as a private listing, until I have completed setting up the loop. Once the loop is set up, we will switch the status to active listing, thus making the listing searchable by other agents wishing to make an offer on your listing.
Once we have selected our transaction type and loop status, let's begin by adding all of our documents to the loop. We can add documents from our templates, our computer, or via email.
After we have added our documents, let's scroll down the page until we see the section marked people. Here we will click on the add person button to add in our agent that we will be sharing with.
While adding the agent we will want to ensure we have added their name, email address, as well as selected their proper role.
Now that we have our agent added to the loop, we can set up our documents and prepare them for sharing.
Sharing your documents/Selecting permissions
Once we've set up our loop and have decided to share the document(s) with the other agent, we can do this by checking the box to the left of any document we wish to share. Next, we will click on the big share button that has appeared on the top right.
At the share screen let's select our agent we wish to share with. By default we will have the permission view only selected. View only will allow the recipient to view the document in dotloop, as well as print or download it only. We will use this permission only if we want the recipient to review the document.
Let's click on the drop down arrow next to the view only permission and select can edit in private. This will allow the other agent to make any necessary modifications to the document, as well as assign and share the document to their clients for signing.
Note: Once they have finished the document, the other agent must share it back to you for you to see the changes made.
One last option to note is the Attach PDF to Email box. Let's check this to ensure that the other agent is shared a copy of the document to view and download right in the email. Here we can also write a custom message to the other agent to view in the email. Once complete, hit share and we're done!
Easy Offer™
An alternative to sharing documents with the other agent is to use our Easy Offer™ feature. This will allow us to set up a folder with the offer documents we wish to give to the other agents. This folder, once set up, will have its own unique link that you can share to anyone!
To get started, click on the SET UP EASY OFFER™ link at the top of the page.
Once in the Set up Easy Offer™ window, check the folder we have set up, and click on the COPY button to the right of the SHARE LINK section. This will be the link you give out to other agents wishing to make an offer on your listing. When you're done, click SAVE at the bottom.
You'll now see that your folder is accessible via Easy Offer™. We will note though that you do not want to interact with the documents in this folder past this point, as these documents are now public.