We will walk you through the process of your very first loop. In the following videos we cover the entire process from start to finish, including what your clients see, and how to successfully submit your loop for review once it is ready. Refer back to these resources as you advance through your first few loops.
Using This Guide
Scroll down the page in order to review all sections of this tutorial. Or, if you're looking for something specific you can skip to a particular section by clicking on its name. BACK TO TOP links which will bring you back to the top of this page can be found in-between the sections.
Article Sections
- Loop creation
- Adding people
- View details
- Adding and working with documents
- Sharing
- Share statuses
- What the recipient sees
- Submitting for review
Loop creation
Begin by clicking the large plus sign on your dotloop account home page. You will be prompted to name your new loop. It is a good idea to name your loop something easily identifiable, such as a property address, your clients' names, or a combination of the two. Once you have named your loop, click the CREATE LOOP button on the bottom right of the prompt.
Adding people
When you have successfully created your loop, you will be placed into the loop. We want to begin by adding all the people necessary to the People section of the loop. Click ADD PERSON and begin entering their information, enter their names as you want them to appear on the contracts. Remember, anyone who will be signing electronically in dotloop will need an email address, two people are not able to sign as individuals from a single email address. Team members are individuals who are working with you in this transaction. For example, a co-agent helping you sell the home would be a team member, but typically clients are not team members, and usually the agent on the opposite of the transaction is not a team member either. In dotloop, team members see everything you see. This aids in the flow of information between you and your partners or admins. Roles are very important. Be sure to select the correct role for the individual you are adding, as dotloop will use the role to fill in their information onto documents for you.
You also have the ability to send an intro email by checking the box within this window. The email that is generated when you check this box and click Add person looks like this:
Finally, be sure to choose your role as well.
View details
Navigating to the VIEW DETAILS page, we will see all of the fields available that are specific to your transaction, such as the property address and financials. The more you fill out on this page, the less manual typing will need to be done in the interactive documents, as dotloop will auto-fill this information for you when necessary. Fill out as much of the EDIT DETAILS page as possible, save your information by clicking the SAVE button the bottom or top right of the page. Clicking BACK TO LOOP on the top left of this page will take you back to your standard loop page.
Adding and working with documents
Now that we have provided as much information as possible to dotloop, we will begin adding our documents. You add your documents last for this exact purpose. Begin adding documents by choosing the method you wish to add documents to your loop (Templates, Computer, or Email). Documents added to your loop from your templates section are often interactive documents, meaning they will auto-fill for you and they have fields already placed on them for you to fill in, and/or sign. These documents are typically inherited from your brokerage or or association. Documents added from your computer or emailed into the loop will need to be in PDF format, these are flat documents that, by default, do not have any interactive fields on them and will not auto-fill. Our PDF editing software will allow you to manually edit these documents.
In the interest of keeping this training course as organized and concise as possible, we have dedicated an entire training portion to just working with Interactive Documents and PDF's. Documents are also covered in detail in the above video.
Now that we have prepared all of our documents, we will need to send them out to the proper parties to be reviewed and/or signed. Although you can share from directly within a document, it is important to note that you can share from the standard loop view. Checkmark the document(s) you wish to share, and click the large SHARE button located at the top right of the Documentssection. This will open the Share Document(s) window. In this window you will see two sections, the first being the WHO HAS ACCESS portion. This will display who currently has the most recent version of the document(s) you selected, and what permissions they have when interacting with the document(s), displayed to the right. Below this is the ADD PEOPLE section. The terminology here may seem unclear at first, but what it's really asking is for you to add people to share this documents with. Checkmark the people you'd like to share with. To the right of each selected individual, you have the ability to give them permissions for the document(s). dotloop will predict the permissions you might want to give when sharing. For example, if the document(s) you are sharing have signature and/or initial fields assigned to Bob Smith, dotloop will set CAN SIGN permissions as the default. If Bob Smith has text fields assigned to him, dotloop will predict CAN FILL AND SIGN permission. For more information on sharing permissions, we've dedicated an article to this. Alternatively, you can read the tool tips that appear in dotloop when you hover over any share permission. The above video also discusses sharing and sharing permissions in detail.
You have the ability to attach a pdf of the document(s) you are sharing to the share email that will be sent to the recipients. To do so, checkmark ATTACH PDF TO EMAIL at the bottom left of the share window.
Upon clicking the the SHARE button at the bottom right of the window, the share email will be sent.
Share statuses
Every document in a loop has a share status. For example, when you pull a document into a loop, it will say NOT SHARED by default. Any document that has been shared with another party and is expecting them to interact with it and share it back, will have a status of WAITING ON OTHERS. Hover over any share status to view additional details. You can view the share status of any given document with a particular individual by simply opening the Share Window, and reading the share status, noted between their name and the share permissions.
What the recipient sees
When you share a document, the recipient will receive an email notifying them that you have sent a document their way. After opening the email, the recipient will click View document within the email. This will open a new window in the recipient's browser, displaying the document or documents you shared. If this person was given CAN SIGN or CAN FILL AND SIGN permissions, they will see a blinking blue bar on their document asking them to START SIGNING. Once clicked, this bar will guide the viewer down the document and aid them in signing and/or filling out the document.
When the recipient has completed the document, they will be prompted to FINISH SIGNING or they can manually click I'M DONE on the top right of the document. This will save the changes and signatures on the document(s) and send an email to notify you of these additions or changes. You can then view the updated version of your document in your loop, as the document has been automatically shared back to you.
Submitting for Review