Utilizing templates while working within dotloop is fundamental in getting the most out of your account. If you are connected to a brokerage or association that has an agreement with dotloop, you can import all necessary documents for your particular transaction into the loop. Following the necessary steps when working with templates will save you countless hours allowing you to close more deals.
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The templates section
When logged into your dotloop account, clicking the icon second furthest from the right will take you to the templates section. On the left side of the page all of your templates folders are listed with your two default folders, PERSONAL and INBOX, listed at the top. Anything added to your personal folder is visible on your account only. The inbox folder will house any PDF you have sent to your unique dotloop upload email address found under TEMPLATES on the left side of the page.
If you're already connected to your brokerage and/or association, the folders that have been shared with you will appear below. Clicking the title of a folder on the left will then display all documents included in that folder. If you want to search for a particular document just click Search, next to the magnifying glass on the left side of the blue bar that goes across the page. If the title of the document is too long to be displayed, simply hover your cursor over the title of the document to show the full title. You will not be able to modify any documents shared to you by your brokerage or association because these are blank copies available to everyone associated. In order to fill out these documents, they must first be added to a loop.
Adding templates to your loops
To add templates to your loop click ADD DOCUMENT to the right of the folder you wish to add your template to and choose the TEMPLATES. Once clicked, a window will then appear listing all of your template folders on the left and the documents included in the folder you have selected on the right. Just like the templates section, you can select a folder on the left and then use the search bar at the top to locate particular documents. Click the checkbox or boxes corresponding with the documents you wish to add, then just select COPY on the bottom right.
Creating template folders
As a member of dotloop you have the ability to create your own folders to include documents specific to any type of transaction you work with. To do so click + NEW FOLDER on the right side of the page on the blue bar. In the window that appears type the name of your folder then select CREATE FOLDER on the bottom. Once created, you now have the ability to add documents either from your computer or other template folders. Once documents have been added, you can change the manner in which they are sorted by clicking the three vertical dots to the right of + NEW FOLDER and select to sort by DATE ADDED, ALPHABETICAL, or LAST UPDATED. Within this drop down you may also download all documents within the folder or delete the folder.
Any documents you add from template folders provided by your brokerage or association are able to be modified within this folder. Any information applicable to all of your transactions like your name or NRDS ID can be entered into these templates. When adding documents to your loop, if you choose to add the document from the folder you created, any of the information you had previously filled in will be automatically included in the document.