Welcome to Day 2 of the Asset Management Prospecting Bootcamp! There are multiple activities on Tuesdays designed to help you generate business. Refer to the Bootcamp for a full explanation and the Marketing Checklist to mark things off as you get them done! 

Here's your list of things to do:

Referral Cards

Prepare and send 10 referral cards to cooperating agents.

  • This can be at random, agents you’ve done business with or a list from your admin of co-ops from other agents in your office.
  • Research sales agents in MLS for referral opportunities
  • Add all agents to a database – exclusively for Realtors

Email Kathy at kgaspari@bhhsflpg.net to request your cards for the week.
Absentee Owners

This is a series of 4 letters. Send one every week and add these names to your Absentee Owner Database.

  • 1st Tuesday of the Month
    • Pull absentee owners lists for each of their 3 farming neighborhoods.
    • Absentee Owner Ninja Letter, sign them, address envelopes and seal. Include Trifold Brochure.
  • 2nd Tuesday of each Month
    • Mail Farming neighborhood letter #2 + Memo Letter
  • 3rd Tuesday of each Month
    • Mail Farming neighborhood letter #3 + Luxury and PropertyMinder flyer
  • 4th Tuesday of each Month
    • Mail Farming neighborhood letter #4 + Free Rental Analysis Flyer
          WEEK 1
LetterAccompanying Flyer
Available through your Branch Admin or by emailing kgaspari@bhhsflpg.net
          WEEK 2
LetterAccompanying Flyer

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          WEEK 3
LetterAccompanying Flyers

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          WEEK 4
LetterAccompanying Flyer
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Social Media
Comment on 10 friend’s posts to create a conversation and stay top of mind.
Vendor List
Add one name to our vendor list. Establish a relationship and look for ways to refer business to each other.